Emma and Moolah use a child's observations and a series of money mystery adventures to explain how our financial system works within a compelling series of stories and through entertaining characters. The learning process is reinforced through a child friendly online interactive banking experience with the help of our partners:
Financial Institutions


Whether young or old, wealthy or not-so, from whatever part of our culturally mixed society, living our modern-day lives demands that we interact with an increasingly complex and seemingly unfathomable financial system. Do we really understand it? How can we help our children understand it? Most importantly, how are we to instill the lifelong habits that lead to long-term wealth creation, and how will we prepare our children for financing their own retirement? Where are the disciplines of a lifetime of saving and investing to come from? Where is the understanding of the financial implications of modern day social issues to be learned?

Lifelong habits such as saving and knowledgable citizenship are formed in early childhood. Shouldn't we be teaching our children the basics of finance as easly as possible? That is what this series of childrens' books is all about.


Educating our youth has always been a joint undertaking of parent, teacher and child. Earlier in the past century, grandparents participated too, passing on these thriving immigrants' concepts of savings and thrift to their grandchildren. Today, in the main, at the earliest stage of a child's education we leave the job of learning about money to parents' own experiences and to the too few childrens' books on this subject - books that strive to entertain, not to teach (the Berenstein Bears Trouble With Money or Dr. Seuss's Money, Money Honey Bunny come to mind).

When child education about money matters is effective, our children learn what money is - coins and dollar bills, and how, through allowance and odd jobs, to save. They are left to learn about ATMs, credit, investing, txes, retirement, producing, consuming and the like at some later stage in their education, usually at the high school level, if then. It is no wonder that we as a nation are so undereducated in the basics of our financial lives.

It is here we believe we can intervene at the early stage of childhood education with a series of children's story and workbooks for both parents and educatiors that both entertain and educat, and do so in the real world of our children's experience with our financial system. We welcome individual public schools, school districts, and private and public educational systems to participate.

Financial Institutions

We are presenting an opportunity to banks, securitires firms, insurance companies, investment firms, and other financial enterprises to teach children the concepts of thrift and the benefit of accumulating savings within modern concepts of finance. We are also teaching children the financial implications of modertn-day social issues such as taxes, deficits, budgets, production and consumption. While these children are your future clients, engaging their parents in the pursuit of their child's financial education should lead to a more informed client base for immediate opportunities for your own institutions. While our current offering is a set of childrens' storybooks, the text and art can be made available as a storyboard for various multimedia applications. Both books and multi-media use are available under license. Partner programs with schools are also available. We welcome individual financial institution's interest.

A Note To Foundations

Providing financial support to the education of children is one of the noblest of causes. When we think of the financial education of children we must think beyond out capitalistic, free market teachings to the inspiration of a new generation that understands ethical values, personal responsibility and social good. We must turn our children away from the "greed is good" society to the "saving for retirement" society. Our social and economic support systems - social security, corporate pensions, and Medicare, are moving away from shared entitlement to personal responsibility. Are we to allow another generation to grow up unprepared for taking responsibility for its own wealth creation? Or are we to step up and fund the educational programs that will make a difference?

Join us in this practical but profound educational program. Support us and we will make a difference!